Hello, everyone.
Back in March of last year, I made a cryptic post about things happening in 2025 and, well, I am here to let you know that promise wasn’t made in vain. As the months went on, details changed but the drive remains the same. 2025 is the year I put out my own projects. I still have a day job I love and I’m in discussions for some fun freelance projects and I’m working on a novel but I also want to get back to my first love: tabletop games. I’m not gonna drop a bunch of details just yet but I want to address a few things:
Full Deck Roleplaying is on hiatus.
I love the system and it has loads of potential but I have stopped working on Full Deck Roleplaying for the foreseeable future. I was working on the core rulebook–and it was going well–but I put it down to deal with some bad stuff and then some good stuff came long that kept me away even further. Now, finally, I am in a place to focus on some side projects. Looking at what I have of Full Deck Roleplaying though, I see larger issues with the system and no immediate cures are coming to mind. So I’m gonna set it on the backburner for possible development later on. Possible but not a priority because I’m gonna focus on something else. A different system that’s been brewing for a while.
Top 3 is in process.
If you look at the back cover of Little Fears Nightmare Edition, you’ll see it uses the Top 3 Engine. Top 3 was the name I gave that system back in 2009 with designs on maybe building it out further with other settings, maybe a standalone book. Fifteen years later, after numerous attempts at doing that, I’m now focusing on it. What’s in the works isn’t what you see in that rulebook. The Top 3 System has been simplified but in service of concentration and more easy expansion.
A playtest document is underway with a full book to follow. The initial releases will all be digital with possible print options or a crowdfunding deluxe version. We will see what makes sense.
I don’t expect your confidence.
You heard a similar song and dance back in 2020/2021. I know I’m climbing back from a deficit here. But I hope you’ll check out what comes out and lend your support should I earn it. Life has been…very lifey these past five years. But I’m in a good place, a stable place, an optimistic place now–and I’m looking to do some great things. I’d be honored if you joined me.